.. warning:: **plone.act** is deprecated. Please, use http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.app.robotframework instead. Plone ACT -- functional tests for Plone made easy ================================================= **plone.act** and its documentation gives you everything to get started in writing and executing functional Selenium tests (including acceptance tests) for your Plone add-on. **plone.act** performs functional testing by using two testing frameworks: `Robot Framework `_ and `Selenium `_. Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD), even for behavior driven development (BDD). It has easy-to-use plain text test syntax and utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach. Selenium is a web browser automation framework that exercises the browser as if the user was interacting with the browser. Start here ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :titlesonly: Write a robot test for a new Plone add-on Write a robot test for an existing Plone add-on Learn more robot ... ... also by reading some good examples Debug robot tests .. If you are developing for Plone core and want information about .. acceptance tests for Plone core skip to ADD-LINK-HERE. .. .. Contents: .. .. .. toctree:: .. :maxdepth: 2 .. .. robotsuite.rst .. plone-keywords/index.rst .. keywords.rst .. .. Run single robot tests:: .. .. $ bin/test -s plone.app.deco -t Robot_Testcase_you_want_to_run Print these ----------- **Robot Framework built-in library documentation** http://robotframework.googlecode.com/hg/doc/libraries/BuiltIn.html?r=2.7.6 **Robot Framework Selenium2Library documentation** http://rtomac.github.com/robotframework-selenium2library/doc/Selenium2Library.html Read more --------- **How to write good Robot Framework test cases** http://code.google.com/p/robotframework/wiki/HowToWriteGoodTestCases Become master ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :titlesonly: Speed up your test writing with ACT-server Speed up your BDD Given-clauses with a remote library