
plone.act is deprecated.

Please, use http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.app.robotframework instead.

Plone ACT – functional tests for Plone made easy

plone.act and its documentation gives you everything to get started in writing and executing functional Selenium tests (including acceptance tests) for your Plone add-on.

plone.act performs functional testing by using two testing frameworks: Robot Framework and Selenium.

Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD), even for behavior driven development (BDD). It has easy-to-use plain text test syntax and utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach. Selenium is a web browser automation framework that exercises the browser as if the user was interacting with the browser.

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How to write good Robot Framework test cases

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Write a robot test for a new Plone add-on

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